Anne Schreivogl


Anne Schreivogl


I love Annes work- full of life, and perfect for a writer- typewriters, bookcases. Fun and loaded with color.

  1. -Natalie Goldberg, author The Great Spring and Writing Down the Bones

Looking up at one of Anne Schreivogls paintings always makes me smile. Her use of color and her reverence for the objects of everyday life is a cause for celebration. Her art can turn around a gloomy day.

- Patricia Ryan Madson, author Improv Wisdom

Annes work is a simple celebration of words and books, creatures and brilliant colors, slightly askew and laced with a dose of humor.

  1. -Valerie Easton, Seattle Times garden columnist, author Petal & Twig

Limited Edition PRINT of WA State Bird Series now available (click here)
September 7th and 8th  - 98221 Anacortes Studio Tour
1814 M Avenue in Anacortes